Assets, provided by known / listed RGB smart contracts, including fungible tokens, NFTs, fungible collectibles and others.
☆ | Ticker | Name | Issuer | Supply |
🏅️ | USDN |
USD Notes USD-backed stablecoin |
C@YTyTn4-rpuLVaM-QFV9b$P-UZJpvt3-yaUmY6A-ewdPE7c ⚠️ | 100000~6 USDN |
⚠️️ | bch1 |
BCH2 dhuehdueh |
Unidentified issuer(s) ⚠️ | 3000~6 bch1 |
⚠️️ | BTSJ |
BTSJ Asset A BTSJ asset with no real value |
Unidentified issuer(s) ⚠️ | 100000000~8 BTSJ |
Displayed 3 out of 3 assets in 3 contracts from 2 issuers